Too Much of a Minimalist?

Too Much of a Minimalist?

It’s been a lot of fun trying to apply minimal-ist / essential-ist principles to many facets of my life. I remember graduating college and wanting to slow down. Pare down. Prioritize. Simplify.

Back then, I had no intention of going to graduate school… pursuing any particular career… marrying the love of my life… documenting my family’s story… making it “big”… backpacking around the world… or contributing to society in a particularly significant way.

I was more focused on the following:

  • Be LESS busy
  • Live in a new city
  • File my own taxes
  • Get paid to learn and grow
  • Travel abroad for work
  • Demystify all of this “adulting” nonsense (to the best of my abilities)

In many ways, my minimal-ist mindset helped me focus on what I cared about. Everything I wrote down above has been “accomplished” in one form or another, which is awesome.

Embracing minimalism also sparked many wonderful revelations and allowed me to “accomplish” some really great stuff:

  1. Seek Adventure Always: Since graduation, you’ve traveled abroad to the Netherlands, Tanzania, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Morocco, and Cuba. In the U.S., you’ve traveled to Nevada, Utah, Illinois, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Texas. In a few weeks, you’ll be going to Namibia once again — Who would’ve thought you would be in Windhoek, two times in one year? Wild.
  2. $$$ is a Powerful Energy: You’ve been really excited about learning more about how to save/invest — It’s been one of the most empowering parts of earning a paycheck. You’re not too sure what you’re saving/investing for, but know that you don’t ever want to feel restricted/stuck/pressured/coerced/forced into a situation by anyone… especially not a man.
    (Thanks Dave, for the wisdom and scallion pancakes.)
  3. Writing is a Process, plus, it Helps you Process: You’ve kept your promise to publish at least one post per month. Every day, you wonder what to do with the rest of the thoughts swirling around in your brain (still figuring this part out).
  4. Accidental Veganism is Yum: In an effort to reduce your plastic consumption, you now try to buy food in bulk or from the fresh produce aisle. It’s frustrating to see stores individually wrapped cucumbers or apples, but there is still a good selection of package-free items (as there should be). Somehow, this has resulted in a simpler, mainly vegan diet, and you’re not even mad about it! (Tayzau still eats meat, just not as often.)
  5. Biking Is Liberating: You bike to the supermarket, to the doctor’s office, to go shopping, and to escape. As much as you love driving, you love not having to worry about where to park 4,000 pounds of metal.
  6. Shop Consciously: Lately, you’ve shopped for clothes only at consignment stores. Why? Because you like supporting small businesses and local charities. Also, because real stores are overwhelming, overpriced, and overrated. Funny enough, you’ve actually been getting a lot of compliments on your consignment finds!
  7. Expand the Musical Repertoire: You still love musical theatre (and went to 30 shows last year), but have also been branching into some of the big artist names. You’ve also really enjoyed listening to more international artists, and of course, a few Bollywood songs every now and then.
  8. Relationships are Good: In college, you were really good at protecting yourself and your heart. (Maybe a little too good, but overall, still good.) This year, you’ve made a promise to be more open, kind, and gracious. Cheers to cherishing and cultivating more special moments, as well as always continuing to actively serve others.
  9. Podcasts are Preferred: You don’t own a TV, you don’t consume mainstream news (unless it’s a specific headline), and you don’t like Twitter. You will, however, listen to a podcast and continue to choose slower methods of media.
  10. Sleep More: Because you could always sleep more.
  11. Your Future is Yours: Your brain has no clue what this means, but your heart kind of understands.

It’s cool to be able to review the progression of my thoughts. However, recently I’ve been wondering if I’ve been a little too enthusiastic about paring down, prioritizing, and simplifying… because now I am surrounded by an abundance of freedom, time, space, and energy.

What do I do with all of this potential? Where should I focus my efforts?

What is my North Star?

What/who should I fill my life with?

My mind is confused. Is this the clarity that I was seeking?

Stuck in limbo, I’m not sure what to do.

I think my brain is trying to decode my heart?

I’m not really sure.

I guess we shall see.

It’s your move, Tayzau, it’s your move.

What chapter of your life are you in?

How have you been dealing with changing winds and directions?