Africa Needs What the A.U. Already Is: Unity
Reflecting upon the sentiment for unity across the African continent.
Reflecting upon the sentiment for unity across the African continent.
This year, my birthday wish was to bring people together.
Good question.
The definition of “Microaggression” according to Psychology Today: Microaggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership. The Story: Last week, an old, overweight, white man in a leather jacket attempted …
An Open-Ended Question Why do so many people feel like they don’t have ever have enough? How come it can sometimes be so easy to forget all of the good parts in our life? This past weekend, I pinched and reminded myself that there are more ways to evaluate how I’m doing besides the number …
Author’s Note: This piece was originally written during my Senior Year of college. The Right to Write The first letter I deliberately wrote to myself was immediately after my first heartbreak in college. Since the only person who could understand was the very person I wanted to disappear, I thought to myself: No more abstract …
Despite not winning the lottery, I’m extremely grateful for how the day unfolded. With no where in particular to be, I walked at my own pace and paid no attention to the time of day. By the time I went home, I felt rejuvenated, inspired, and humbled.
Whenever I go on a trip, I naturally assume the role of a photojournalist. Aside from breathing and sleeping, documenting bits and pieces of the experience feels like my sole purpose. My camera is always within reach. Thanks to the era of digital cameras and memory cards, I indulge in taking as many photos as I want. Every night is spent scribbling down my thoughts with my multi-colored pen in swirly cursive.